PC Game Online

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dried out tacky glue? How to rewet it?

The tacky glue is all dried out in the bottle.. instead of buying a new one, can I add something to it to make it wet glue again? Like water or vinegar or something?

Nope, sorry. Permanent white glues are not water-soluble once they're dried (acrylic paints are the same), only while they're still wet.

You could soften the surface of white glue by submerging it in water for a day or a week, but that's still not going to "dilute" the glue.

Next time, if you keep white glues around for a long time and you are thoroughly closing the top every time, you can make the seal better by putting a small piece of plastic wrap over the top of the bottle or jar before screwing the lid on, or wipe some Vaseline around the outer screw ribs of the top of the bottle/jar before screwing the lid on.


Diane B.

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